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Quotes : How do I find Peace?

You need someone to be with you, someone who loves you and wants to be with you for your sake. You want attention and this kind that you don't need anyone else if this person is with you. This is love we are talking about right. Just a moment with the person you love is amazing, Just a touch from that person can heal. Just to see their smiling face changes everything, and the joy in them when they see you makes you feel so special. Let me tell you something, It's not peace if you don't have someone to love you, There is no stillness if you don't have to back you up with love, It's only emptiness if you lack a person to love, Cause Love is everything you need to feel complete. This life is all about love. You exist because of love. Not that someone mated and you are the result, But someone loved you enough to die for you, To give you the life you never deserved, To let you have another chance to live, In the Father. You wanna experience peace? Find yourself someone y
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Quotes : Loving Father.

It will always require you, to have a part of you die, to obey the voice of the Father. Cause those who wants follow Christ, they must deny themselves, take up their cross, and then follow Jesus. Just as this that, before anything big, many tiny things much be achieved. Just so, Before following Jesus, a self denial must have it's victory. a denial unto taking up the cross, because I wanna love Jesus. Love! a funny word to use in the world today, cause what they call love, is purely lust, which now is, And soon grows away, Well not all of it is like this, But the majority of it is going wrong, thinking that what they do is biology, when something else is commanding it all. Love Jesus, Love by keeping His word, Deny yourself, To keep His word. Take up the cross, To keep His word. Live a holy life, To keep His word. Give up yourself, surrender it all, To keep His word, If you live, live to keep his word, If you die, die to keep His word, If you love, Love to keep His word, If you go,

Quotes : Beautiful Abba

You are the maker, the wisdomous God, wonderfully made the bodies heavenly, have no comprehension at all. no one can fathom your power, finest of wisdom you have, As merciful as you are gracious, in you, forever righteous I am. There's none like you, you're all that I want, glorious is your presence, the sweetest of all, what else would I want? nothing compares to you, everything else fades away, you're the one I can't comprehend, all I can know, worthy is your name. Nothing else can give me what you give, Love, care, peace, and fullness of joy, everything you offer, nothing else can, coz you've got everything in your hand, from everlasting to infinity, the beginning and the end. All I could ever want, wouldn't compare to you, you're marvelous, glorious, magnificent, my Abba, My father. Everything I can say, wouldn't carry it out, you're more than words could ever define, all I can say is that I love you, and all I can do is just thank you. You'r

Quotes: Conversation From The Brokenness

My heart is overwhelming, filled with a grief, I don't know why I feel this way, nor do I know why I feel this hurt. You are my strength, so are you my joy, in you will I always rejoice, your word do I heed, and keep it in my heart, for better is one day in your courts, than a thousands elsewhere apart. I am your creation, make me your sheep, take me in as you find me, mould me to what you want me to be. All glory and all honor, dominion and power, all wisdom and wonder, belong to no other, but you Yeshua! Hold on to me, never let go, never let your sight away, keep your hand over me,  look after me, for you sustaineth me, I am yours forever more. I maybe broken, put me back together, I may have shattered, gather till I am restored, I may be lost, call me back, through your love, let it bestow. I am here, waiting upon you, come now, renew my strength!

Quotes: The Touch

No time, no place, no appearence, no face, no black, nor white, would keep you, Abba, from holding me tight. There's nothing more comforting,  nothing more precious, to be in your embrace, to be in your love and glorious touch. No matter how  far I go, no matter how far I run. No matter how high the take off, no matter how deep the hide, To me your arms are always open wide. I was lost, I'll potentially get lost again, You once came for me, why wont you searching for me again? You leaving the 99, will come find me again. Jesus you are worthy, I give you my all, have me and mould me, make me what you want me to be, a percious vessel of anoiting to overflow.

Quotes: Stillness

Empty hearts, solemn minds. Betrayed trusts, hesitant starts. Lonely crowds, always proud. Continuous grumbling, never humbling. Powered thinking, weakend life. Piece of cake, was not life, jack of all trades, master of none. Wanted to die, all empty, all alone. Wished to have a perfect life, With stages of beauty like flourishing kites, through this young age, nothing was love, full of thoughts carnal, nothing like a dove. Knew Jesus is full of compassion, with a banner of love over me, Always looked at me with grace,  would always embrace me,  never alone did He leave me. His mercy is that never dies, My faith that will always fly, He is God almighty, He changes not, I am, through his voice, in stillness.

Quotes: Questions Answered!

What do I do, When I don't feel that confident? Listen to my voice saying, "I AM with you through it all!" (Matt 28:20) What do I do, When I don't see the way? Listen to my word saying, "I AM the way." (Jn 14:6) What do I do, When I don't know what to do? Just know my word, They are full of wisdom. (Col 2:2-3) What do I do, When I wanna come back to you, Right after I have fallen? Know that my love won't change, And I made Jesus sin, for you, To make you my righteousness in Christ. (2 Cor 5:21) What do I do, When I feel afraid? Listen to my word saying, "Fear not, for I AM with you always" (Is 41:10) "Nothing by no means shall harm you!" (Lu 10:19) What do I do, When I wanna come back to you after I have backslidden from You? Know my nature, 'That I am faithful and just to forgive you and purify you when you confess your sins' (1 Jn 1:9) What do I do, When I work your works but feel away from you? Know my word, 'Rememb