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Showing posts from April, 2023

Quotes : How do I find Peace?

You need someone to be with you, someone who loves you and wants to be with you for your sake. You want attention and this kind that you don't need anyone else if this person is with you. This is love we are talking about right. Just a moment with the person you love is amazing, Just a touch from that person can heal. Just to see their smiling face changes everything, and the joy in them when they see you makes you feel so special. Let me tell you something, It's not peace if you don't have someone to love you, There is no stillness if you don't have to back you up with love, It's only emptiness if you lack a person to love, Cause Love is everything you need to feel complete. This life is all about love. You exist because of love. Not that someone mated and you are the result, But someone loved you enough to die for you, To give you the life you never deserved, To let you have another chance to live, In the Father. You wanna experience peace? Find yourself someone y

Quotes : Loving Father.

It will always require you, to have a part of you die, to obey the voice of the Father. Cause those who wants follow Christ, they must deny themselves, take up their cross, and then follow Jesus. Just as this that, before anything big, many tiny things much be achieved. Just so, Before following Jesus, a self denial must have it's victory. a denial unto taking up the cross, because I wanna love Jesus. Love! a funny word to use in the world today, cause what they call love, is purely lust, which now is, And soon grows away, Well not all of it is like this, But the majority of it is going wrong, thinking that what they do is biology, when something else is commanding it all. Love Jesus, Love by keeping His word, Deny yourself, To keep His word. Take up the cross, To keep His word. Live a holy life, To keep His word. Give up yourself, surrender it all, To keep His word, If you live, live to keep his word, If you die, die to keep His word, If you love, Love to keep His word, If you go,