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Showing posts from September, 2020

Quotes : Peace

Peace is something which means one is calm from within. The inner peace. You get the inner peace when you don't care, when you don't care about anything which may affect your mental balance. Your mental balance helps you to work, think, converse, handling situations, controlling emotions maintains your life in each sector. When you overthink about something, good or bad, you some or the other way affect you mental balance. And when your balance is shaken, you work efficiency decreases.  To maintain your mental balance, you need to let go. Let go everything that boggles your mind. Keeps disturbing you all the time, keeps bothering you every time. You need to let it go, because the more you think about it, the more you are vulnerable for the works of Satan to be done in your mind. And it will never give you peace, and you will always be stressed about it, angry because of it, emotionally down because of it, and will lose the management of discipline in your daily life. And to avo

Quotes : The Hold

Before us, without us, the world was taken care of; Each creation in it was so perfect; Untill for the sake of self buff; Ego is the one which pokes in between; The good which was to be done was replaced by another act. He sits at the mighty right of God; Has been give the authority to work; To dwell among the handpicked of odds; To reveal his glory by the tiniest, in the dark. How can one see if the sight is camouflaged; Help, to erase it has been sacrificed for all; Watch it, check you own self; Then take a step to solve the other all. The focus to correcting should be on our own; As the word is a double edged sword; Which cuts the one handling, then the other, receiving it; Use it well as much as you are to; Never forget the worth of each other, so as are you. Jesus the sacrificial lamb of God; Was given to those which never deserved; He took birth in flesh, only to serve; He was made humble, not by God, but by the vision of its consequences. The implementation of a character; The a

Quotes : The Relation.

Each relationship in your life is because you find a connection to that specific thing or person. This connection develops a feeling, a strong feeling of affection towards it. The world walks on the way of love. A love which is of the world. It may be of some sports, any hobby, adventure, traveling, relations etc. Every connection needs love to begin one and is amazing to have this feeling for someone or something. You make every possible effort to improve and are there for. But you might have noticed, over a span of some time, that feeling starts to get fade and slowly vanishes. Or in other words, the value for that feeling gradually decreases. Because everything bound with time, falls. Love varies, with: The perishable love, or the love that will once fall. This love is the worldly love which will vanish with it. This sort is not forever, and once in a while will fall and end. Then why are we here, how are we surviving without love? Because there's a hope, a hope of love. Such a

Quotes : Infinity

Once it started, yet not the end found; Grows bigger and bigger as we search; Mathematically we know it has an end; But the word of God has a bigger and a different realm. Once upon a time there was nothing classified, God spoke, and it all was organized; Obedience such, that nothing would be denied; Take the word, eat it, and the fortress of hell will be petrified. The word is that, which created it all; The creature, the trees and the life, on the dark piece of an empty ball; Six days went past, the earth got settled; Looking at which, all of the heaven marveled. Since, the transgression came into the world; It grew, expanded itself, and filled the earth; Now, as the man so created, cursed; Every each came of it was bound to worse. As nothing would be denied; To stop sin, recapitulation could have been applied; But the thing resisted this, was only his love; Which revealed itself in the way that is JESUS, just as a dove. The wages of sin is only death; So that we be saved, a way is f

Quotes : Brother

The feelings initiated hearing this can't be discribed; Emotions flow, bond are made; A feeling of attachment arises; Neither wanna live together, nor to be aparted A brother is a brother, elder or the younger; Be wherever, he bothers to linger; He may never care to hold your hand, But he's got your back, on a single command. He will never let the other know that he tends; Whatever so, note it my friends; Action speaks louder than words; He really does always cares. You may never know the affection you have; Not until you are just a door apart; 'Live young, live free' they say; Nothing stays forever, your brother once in a lifetime has to depart. The relation, maybe unique; The delivery of feelings, maybe eccentric; Never let go the hand of the other; Keep a firm hold of the bond; to never regret another. The most memorable, the most miserable feeling it is; The love of a brother; So, openly do whatever, go wherever; Coz I've got you brother, what so ever.