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Quotes : The Relation.

Each relationship in your life is because you find a connection to that specific thing or person. This connection develops a feeling, a strong feeling of affection towards it.

The world walks on the way of love. A love which is of the world. It may be of some sports, any hobby, adventure, traveling, relations etc. Every connection needs love to begin one and is amazing to have this feeling for someone or something.
You make every possible effort to improve and are there for. But you might have noticed, over a span of some time, that feeling starts to get fade and slowly vanishes. Or in other words, the value for that feeling gradually decreases. Because everything bound with time, falls.

Love varies, with:
The perishable love, or the love that will once fall.
This love is the worldly love which will vanish with it. This sort is not forever, and once in a while will fall and end.

Then why are we here, how are we surviving without love? Because there's a hope, a hope of love. Such a love that everything else seems to be of no use. The love which is not time bound.
The everlasting love of the Trinity.
The love which wants us. The love which calls us. The love which saved us. The love which delivers us. The love which leads us the right way. The love which wants everyone to abide with. 
The everlasting love.

God doesn't wants us to perish. He doesn't want his creation to go in vein. He wants to abide with his creation, and we are his creation. He will never want to see us on the wrong side. He wants to see us on his path, the path of righteousness. He wants to see us inspire other with our life, and helps us, so that we help them to build a relationship with God.

It's all our decision. He gave us the free will, will to choose. Choose between right and wrong, choose to be on either side. The side of the narrow path, or the side of the broad path, and evem told the consequences.
If you choose the narrow path to walk on, he told that you will have to be patience to bear the fruit. And not all narrow walkers make it to the other side. He told that it will have suffering for the name of Jesus, humiliation for the name of Jesus, work of Satan against the path
But if you choose the wide open path to walk on, he told that it will have earthly fun, earthly glory, all kinds of sin and works that make Satan happy, which hollows you, disturbes you from within.But untill you come to know about the love of God and his sacrifice, you will never know about it.

The one who is firm in the relation with Christ Jesus will only walk pass the narrow way, but the one who slips to maintain his relation, will be decepted by satan and fall away and have place in the eternal flames.

As we are here on earth, God showers his blessings and love of us. We cannot feel his love until we know it, and only the word of God which is the holy Bible tells us about his love. Bible tells us to transform, inspire  accordingly. And it reveals the wil of God's will for our lives, and the lifestyle we should live, and the way to eternal peace and eternal joy with Jesus in heaven.

May God bless you!


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