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Quotes: The Delay

 It has begun,

The beginning of the end.

I am so close,

To the trumpet blow.

Be aware, "Keep a keen watch" he says,

hold still, for look, soon he comes.

I am naked of my sin,

my sin has stolen my robe,

the robe of his majesty,

the glory of the cross,

the cross that now stands as a symbol

the symbol of hope to life.

"I am the way", He said,

The way leading to eternal life.

"I am the truth", He said,

The truth leading to the way of life.

"I am the life", He said,

The life of abundance.

Jesus is the way,

the truth and the life everlasting,

no-one comes to the Father except through him,

focus on the things that leads to eternity,

and knowing GOD is eternal life.

Look, the time for me,

now runs quick.

The sand in the glass,

now runs out.

"Are you ready?", "Yet not prepared?"

Behold his majesty, anytime he comes.

Just because I am in his mind,

He does a little delay,

a while of waiting for me,

So I be completely prepared.

Oh look! soon the delay ends,

I fear the question now comes,

"Are you Ready?", "Yet not Prepared?"

There's still a little time left,

I am availing it, coz that's all I have.

Now or Never. Do or Die.

This situation is all about the choice,

the choice of death or life.

Choose Life, hurry up my friend!

Coz I have chosen the life.

Death has no good in it.

"I am the good shepherd", He said,

follow his lead, his lead to eternity.

Look the sand is flowing out,

But still some left,

It's always better 'Late', than 'Never'

use this delay of his wait,

and win life over death and Resurrect.

Resurrect in Jesus,

The Resurrection is He,

You will die somebody,

But without him, would remain in the grave.

If you wanna live, you have to Resurrect,

Have Jesus in yourself.

He is the Life,

And the Resurrection from the Dead.


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